
Discover how Strive have partnered with an Engineering Analytics company to recruit for their Founding GTM Team.

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Company Profile

LinearB is an analytics platform for software development organisations that improves productivity based on objective data driven insights.

  • Founded: 2018
  • Market: Engineering Analytics
  • Headcount: 51 - 100
  • Funding Level: Series B - $72M
Business Relationship Image

Business Relationship

LinearB originally engaged Strive due to a difficulty in hiring technically aligned, culturally right, ambitious A players who could play a key role as part of the founding GTM team. 

Strive are now the exclusive GTM growth partner globally for LinearB, placing into roles withing Sales Leadership, Business Development, Technical Sales, Direct Sales and Marketing. 


Find out how Strive could support your GTM talent requirements and help you scale for success.

Solutions Provided


Focus is our fully retained search service offering and it means we work exclusively for you – uncovering great talent to supercharge your success and deliver guaranteed outcomes.
Expect to pay an initial retainer as well as shortlisting and success fees.
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Project Outcomes

Hires Made

  1. Account Executives28%
  2. BDRs / SDRs42%
  3. Sales Leaders10%
  4. Sales Development10%
  5. Engineering5%
  6. Marketing5%

Key Performance Metrics

  • Number of Hires
  • CV to Hire Ratio
  • Fill Rate
  • Weeks to Hire

Diversity Metrics

Of roles filled by people
from a diverse background
Of roles filled by females
Find out how Strive could support your GTM talent requirements and help you scale for success.

Client Feedback


"The partnership with Strive came at a crucial time. I was behind in my hiring plan and struggling with multiple recruiters who couldn’t bring me talented sales professionals with the right technical sales experience required to sell our solution to engineering departments.

I had a clear picture of what I needed for the team, but it seemed other recruiters were more focused on getting me to compromise on my expectations rather than finding me suitable candidates. Immediately after starting with Strive, I conversed with the exact candidates I was asking for. I’ve consistently been impressed with the thorough notes and details I receive on each and every candidate and how they show up to the first call enthusiastic about LinearB and excited to speak with me.

After 1 year, I’m on track with my hiring plan with a high-performing team in place. This would not have been possible if I didn’t start working with Strive when I did."

Mike Avery,
VP of Sales

Candidate Feedback

I have worked with Dylan as both a candidate for employment and a hiring manager.

Having worked with a number of recruiters in my career, Dylan stands out as one of the best. He is thorough in his qualification of candidates making sure to map out all the details to the job requirements.

The level of detail goes beyond just the objective requirements, he is able to also weed through the subjective qualities of each candidate making sure he is finding people that will also be a cultural fit. Dylan stands out in this ability because he gets to know the organization and hiring managers at a personal level. When working with Dylan you know you will have multiple, strong, candidates. However, he is always looking for feedback to find ways to improve his qualifications. 

I highly recommend working with Dylan.

Jarrod Landers,
Senior Manager of Sales


Strive Feedback

Dylan Hoyle

Dylan Hoyle

Sales Director - USA

Working with the leadership team at LinearB is a real joy.

Their processes are slick, efficient and they treat recruitment as a major priority.

Strive and LinearB have a collaborative partnership, hence why the hiring project was a real success. There are open lines of communication, transparent feedback and a collaboration to scale the business. These are the main reasons why LinearB has become an employer of choice and attracted the very best people. 

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Find out how Strive could support your GTM talent requirements and help you scale for success.

The Strive Team

Meet the Team who worked on this Project and contributed to its success

Dylan Hoyle

Meet Dylan. Dylan is our Sales Director for the US and has worked for Strive for five years.


Dylan Hoyle

Sales Director - USA

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Naomi Walsh

Meet Naomi. Naomi is a Principal Consultant and has worked at Strive for four years.


Naomi Walsh

Principal Consultant

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Find out how Strive could support your GTM talent requirements and help you scale for success.

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